Talk Lipoedema


Fiona's Story

I was in my sixties before I was diagnosed. I spent years going back and forward to my GP, worried about the increasing swelling in my legs.

Karen's Story

I have come a long way on my lipoedema journey in the last 6 months, in September 2021. I met Anne Williams from Talk Lipoedema and was finally given a diagnosis. What a relief to finally meet someone who didn't just say I looked how I do because I am fat.

Jenny's Story

I discovered lipoedema completely by accident!

Cellulitis in people with Lipoedema

Cellulitis can affect people with Lipoedema. It is important you take urgent action if you think you have it.

Elaine's Story: experiences of surgery

Read Elaine's story on surgery for lipoedema

A group of people with lipoedema
Talk Lipoedema Awarded Government Grant

We are delighted to announce that Talk Lipoedema has been awarded a grant of £46,950 from the Self-management Fund


Talk Lipoedema runs a number of events both in person and online, check out what events are happening soon.

Living Well with Lipoedema: an online self-management course

Every Monday from 25th September until 30th October, 7.30pm-9.30pm

Sign up for our 6-week Self-Management Course, open to residents of Scotland

Living Well With Lipoedema: Self-Management course in Central Scotland

Friday 27th October, Saturday 28th October & Saturday 11th November 2023, 9.30am-4pm.

Sign up for our 3-day Self-Management course in central Scotland

Living Well With Lipoedema: an online Self-Management course

Every Wednesday from 10th January until 14th February, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Sign up for our 6-week Self-Management Course, open to residents of Scotland

Living Well With Lipoedema: Self-Management course in Dundee

Saturday 27th January, Sunday 28th January & Sunday 10th February 2024, 9.30am-4pm.

Sign up for our 3-day Self-Management course in Dundee

Three women enjoy coffee together
Talk Lipoedema Coffee Morning

Join us for Talk Lipoedema's Coffee Morning in Edinburgh: Saturday 16th March

Living Well With Lipoedema: an online Self-Management course

Monday 25th March, Tuesday 26th March & Thursday 28th March 2024, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Join us for an online self-management course!

Living Well With Lipoedema: an online Self-Management course

Monday 10th June, Monday 17th June & Monday 24th June 2024, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Sign up for our 3-week Self-Management Course, open worldwide!

Lipoedema Awareness Month: Self-Care: Physical, Mental & Emotional with Karen Windsor

Join Karen Windsor for an online session on self-care

Lipoedema Awareness Month: Lipoedema & Trauma with Karen Windsor

Join Karen Windsor for this session on lipoedema and trauma

Lipoedema Awareness Month: Movement & Fitness with Sarah Whitlow

Join us for an online Lipoedema Awareness Month session on Movement & Fitness

Lipoedema Awareness Month: Chair Pilates with Laura Calder

Join us for this online session on Chair Pilates with Laura Calder
