Talk Lipoedema

Compression for Lipoedema

Compression in lipoedema

Compression is important in helping to reduce inflammation and manage pain in people with lipoedema. Some people wear it daily, and most need a regular supply of garments, possibly in a variety of styles. In those with secondary lymphoedema, compression is essential to tissue decongestion, improving lymph drainage and reducing complications such as cellulitis and fibrosis.  Long term compression use is essential after liposuction.

In lipoedema a wide range of compression types and styles are used, including stockings, arm sleeves, adjustable wraps, and bandaging systems. Many companies have recently identified specific garments and materials for lipoedema. Accurate measuring and fitting are required, and most are custom made, and can be prescribed on GP10/FP10. More details are listed in the section on compression.